SyFy Dominion Wiki

The V-System is a rigid occupation-based social ordering which ensures the vital work of building and running Vega is accomplished. Inspired by his training at West Point, General Riesen worked with the Senate to create the system. The class system is preserved to be unfair by the lower classes who are not allowed to move above their station.



The lowest social class in Vega; sometimes referred to derogatorily as “V0.” V1s were composed of the unemployed, orphans, criminals, as well as those who didn’t possess any significant or useful working skills.


V2s were the working-class citizens of Vega; composed of menial laborers as well as lower-grade military personnel such as common soldiers and security officers.


V3s were the middle-class or white-collar citizens of Vega; those with enough skills to perform either office-oriented or technological tasks such as nurses, technicians, clerks, engineers, as well as higher-ranking military officers.


The blue-collar citizens of Vega; these included farmers, ranchers, natural engineers, as well as water and waste managers - all of whom were afforded a more elevated position than the V2s due to the crucial role they played in maintaining the city’s infrastructure.


The learned class of Vega; composed of military leaders, teachers, judges and attorneys, priests, as well as physicians and scientists. The immediate families of the V6s - their children, grandchildren, siblings, etc. - were also granted the rank of V5 both for their safety as well as to ensure the line of succession in the event that their V6 relative either died, was forcibly removed, or became unable to perform their duties.


The ruling class of Vega’s government; which consisted exclusively of the Lady or Lord of the City as well as the members of the Senate.
